Yahoo Finance Data in Google Sheet

Google Apps Script
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Yahoo Finance summary


This Google Apps Script pulls daily stock quotes from the Yahoo Finance API. It stores the data in a Google Sheet for historical look-ups. The script updates a summary sheet by calculating today's price change in dollars and percentage.

Get Yahoo Finance data

A Google Sheet serves as a repository for historical stock prices.

Every stock ticker has a column. Every row represents the market close data for a given date.

Yahoo Finance code

Automated API processing

An Installable Trigger launches a Google Apps Script that fetches daily stock prices for a customized list of stock tickers after market close.

The script avoids data duplication by comparing the API date with the last date stored in the sheet: it either appends a new data row or updates the last row's data.

Summary dashboard

A summary sheet includes calculated metrics that uses the historical data, such as difference in prices between yesterday and today.

The user can update the sheet manually at any time using a custom menu option.

Yahoo Finance Summary
Technologies and libraries in project
Google Apps Script
GAS Triggers
Google Spreadsheet Service
Yahoo Finance API
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