Sales Tracker in Google Sheet

Track your sales transactions and summarize by category.

This script-based Google Sheet includes a form to enter new sales transactions. It also includes a date-based report to view total sales, as well as breakdown by category.

Accurate data entry

Use the embedded form to enter your sales transactions accurately and consistently. You can add your own fields to the form, and they will be automatically added to the Sales tracking tab.

When you click the "Add" button, the transaction will be recorded in the Sales tab, and the form will reset for the next entry.


Centralized sales data

All form submissions are recorded in the sales tab for easy access. You can manually add rows to this tab if you wish.

All reporting is done based on this tab.

Customizable categories

Use the Settings tab to define your report categories. Categories are optional and also flexible: you can have none, or as many as you need. The tab makes it easy to update your categories going forward.

The categories are used to break down sales inside the report.


Date-based reporting

The Report tab sums up the sales transactions. You can filter the report using a From/To date range. The report will display the sum of transactions with a date that falls within the specified date range.

The report provides both a total dollar amount for all sales, as well as a breakdown by category.



The price is a one-time fee for the purchase of a script-based Google Sheet.

  • Spreadsheet-bound Google Apps Script
  • Unlimited script use
  • Fully customizable
  • Free email support for 30 days
pay with stripe

More information

What do I receive after I complete the purchase? +
You will receive a link to copy the Google Sheet that contains the script.Simply copy the spreadsheet and to add it to your Google Drive. The code is fully accessible as a Google Apps Script, and you can customize the code as you see fit.
What are the requirements for using this script? +
You need to have a Gmail account or a Google Workspace account.
What if I need technical support? +
Please use the contact form to submit your issue. You will receive a response within 24 hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PT. Please note that support does not include any customizations or new features.
What is your refund policy? +
At this time there is no refund, unless you experience a technical problem that I am unable to resolve.
What if I need to customize this script? +
You have two options here: You can either customize the script on your own, or hire me to customize it for you. Please use the contact form to describe your customization needs. I'll provide you with the amount of hours you'll need to prepay, and the hourly rate.
What is the setup process? +
When you first click the "Add sales" button you may be instructed to authorize the script. Once you do that, subsequent clicks should work fine.