
Simplifying reports with a sales tracker in Google Sheets

today May 1, 2024

Successful sellers know how to increase demand for their products and services, and subsequently grow their sales. But aggregating daily sales into one unified sheet, and creating reports really need to be automated. After all, in the fast-paced world of business, staying on top of your sales data is crucial, but manual tracking can be time-consuming and prone to errors. That's where an automated sales tracker in Google Sheets comes in, offering a myriad of benefits for businesses of all sizes.

Google Sheet is a convenient tool to house sales data. With a bit of automation, it can efficiently track all of your daily sales and automatically update a report with the total sales. There are several benefits that you should look for when shopping for a sales tracker:

Easy to use

Look for a simple tracker that is not overloaded with unnecessary features. A good sales tracker is something that non-technical sellers can pick up and start using right away.

Intuitive data entry

At a high-level, you want to look for a tool that makes it easy to perform individual day tracking; the sales tracker should allow you to input sales data for each day separately. Sure, you could enter the data manually in separate Google Sheets rows, but this approach is error-prone. Ideally, you should have a form embedded inside the Google Sheet to enable consistent and accurate data entry.


Embed a data entry form directly in the Google Sheet

Automated aggregation

When you record new sales in the form, the sales tracker should save the entry in a main sheet where all sales transactions are stored. Each row should correspond to one sales transaction. The data should populate correctly in all columns, even as you add new columns to the form (more on that later).

After the transaction is added to the main repository, the sales tracker should automatically calculate and update the total sales in its report tab. Ideally, the report tab should provide a mechanism for you to filter the report based on dates, so that you can see total sales for today, yesterday, this week, last month, year-to-date, and so on.

Customizable reporting

The form should be extensible, meaning that you should be able to add your own fields that will appear in the sales aggregation sheet. Moreover, you should be able to break sales numbers by category, and these categories need to be flexible: you should be able to specify the number of categories and what those categories are.


No rest for the weary sales pro

In conclusion, a good sales tracker is a simple tool embedded in Google Sheets, which you already know. I recommend taking a look at my Sales tracker for Google Sheets to see if this tool might be right for you.